

Page history last edited by Axel 15 years ago

Welcome to the Social CRM (#scrm) Wiki


This wiki is here to gather the most forward thinking minds in the CRM and CEM (for the lack of better terms) communities to come up with a community created definition of CRM 2.0 (aka Social CRM) - with the purpose of providing a service to the CRM/Customer experience communities themselves and the customers and companies who have historically spent inordinate time trying to extract some definition of either CRM or CEM or where each fits in the pantheon of the other.


Social, economic, political environments all participate in driving change, and of course all contributed to CRM 2.0. Never before, methinks, has the external environment been one where we are pushed so hard by an external tsunami, as we are today. That wave- $$! Never before have customers and suppliers, buyers and sellers, external and internal drivers, suffered such a wind of change. I'm astounded that there isn't a broader effort to focus on "how to talk to customers in financial terms" within our definition of 2.0. In today's environment, economics-personal, environmental, cost-to-serve from a suppliers POV, are all at the forefront of decision making. Well, let me restate that-SHOULD BE-because somewhere in every cracking synapse of a decision made, the economic impact of that decision is a driver as never before. Maybe it's part of "value", but maybe so distinct in today's and our future world to warrant a different view. Tough to define a hierarchy of what's most important in a definition, but tough to leave out this obvious top of mind issue.


"Classic" CRM is no longer viable - a one dimensional corporate interaction that provides processes, services and technology to the customer facing departments - sales, marketing and customer service. It is time to recognize that there is a customer ecosystem (or is there, participants?) that provides empowered customers who are increasingly interested in making their own choices in how they interact with companies that they do business with. That means that not only does the company need to provide the goods and services, but the tools and culture to make the experience of that customer one of paramount and unparalleled value to that customer and thus to the company in return.


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The Way This Works

First, each invited member of this wiki is expected to contribute something to the discussion. The idea is to come out with a definition of CRM 2.0 that will be pretty much universally accepted by the CRM community and a repository of data, documents, videos, audio and other sources of knowledge that will support the discussion and definition. Hopefully this will remain a repository for all that and there will be serious participation in this thing. If not, its our own fault if the same confusion that existed during the era of CRM 1.0 remains. 


So lets get to work.  And enjoy this ride. 


There are multiple pages to add to or create a page of your own if you're a contributor. If just reading, then travel around the various libraries and feel free to read or watch or hear the different sources of knowledge and discussion.


Wanna see the pages? Click on the "Click Here" button below and view what's available. An FAQ will be along in a few days to explain how to use this wiki


Consider this a call to thought and action that will lead to successful relationships between you and your customers; or, if you're a customer, between you and the companies that you've chosen to do business with.



Have a great time!


ANNOUNCEMENT!! 3/27/2008

We are including a new page that will allow you to indulge in your wildest Social CRM a.k.a. CRM 2.0 fantasies. Its a forum page and you can create any topic on it that isn't somewhere else in the wiki and set up a place to go talk about it. It can be about current CRM 2.0 or even traditional CRM if you want. Go wild. Indulge. Feel luxurious in the quality of the knowledge you are transmitting from those highly active cranial cavities. Find it here.



ANNOUNCEMENT!! 9/29/08  

We just transitioned crm20.pbwiki.com to the latest version of PBwiki. This wiki will no longer use a wiki-wide invite key  - instead all you need to do is click edit to gain access.You will then be asked to log into your PBwiki account. If you have a personal PBwiki account, log in with that information.  Otherwise you will need to create an account your email address and a personal password.     




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Comments (7)

Anonymous said

at 10:40 am on Jan 25, 2007

When we are thinking definition surrounding CRM 2.0, we should think through user acceptance and adoption of tools, processes, etc. Also, is one particular industry more "ripe" to be a leader in deploying CRM 2.0...... will one geographic region of the world/population embrace this more quickly? what type of organizational competencies are needed for success in this space? where do these competencies exist in a company's organizational heirarchy......strategy, marketing, IT, individual business units? Just a few thoughts from a different angle on the definition.

Paul Greenberg said

at 5:43 am on May 27, 2007

All of what Ted says is absolutely right. The only additional factor to take into account is that what was the enterprise value chain is now extended to include all the internal departments, business partners, vendors and suppliers and most importantly, the customers - as part of the strategic planning group and the executors.

Sarah said

at 4:54 pm on Oct 1, 2008

The definition should eventually mold from what the offerings and the value added services from a CRM 2.0 system. Nobody had a finite definition for Web 2.0 right away but people knew what it represented and how it added value to their lives beyond that of Web 1.0.

CRM systems today face significant limitations: CRM applications today are only one piece of the puzzle. They are great at maintaining leads, account information, contacts, and opportunities. But what about the other information critical to the sales cycle?; CRM applications require users to switch to other online tools and Web services to look up a lead's website, product announcements, or company buzz on blogs; CRM applications provide little support for collaboration required for research and strategies around leads and accounts.

So how does the concept of CRM 2.0 release the strains of the mentions above? MindTouch Deki for CRM is plowing the road to CRM 2.0. MindTouch provides this kind of integration with social tools, Web 2.0 apps, web services AND Enterprise systems like SugarCRM, Salesforce, Microsoft Access, SQL Server, Microsoft Dynamics, ERP systems and much more. Allowing for businesses to become more efficient, close sales at a higher rate and provide a much richer customer experience. Something that CRM systems do not provide now. Period. www.mindtouch.com

Anonymous said

at 5:29 am on Dec 16, 2008

I am based in Scotland and working behalf of the Scottish Government to organise a CRM best practice study tour to the East Coast US in February 2009. We want to meet with companies who have successfully implemented CRM. Can anyone help me out to identify good companies in the New York / New Jersey area? My email is ssmith@strategem.co.uk I would also be delighted to organise a conference call.

Anonymous said

at 11:23 am on Dec 16, 2008

Thanks for coming back to me so quickly. I tried emailing back your email address but it keeps bouncing back.

I am located in Glasgow, Scotland (home of Alexander Graham Bell and John Logie Baird). Our company is an event management company who is organising a study tour on behalf of the Scottish Government. In particular it is for Scottish Enterprise the economic development agency department of the government.

The purpose of the visit is to meet with companies who have successfully implemented CRM systems (attached is a 1-page brief). We would be bringing real business representatives over so we can learn and share best practice. We do many such trips and both the host companies and Scottish participants gain great benefit.

We will be visiting the New York area in February 2009. In particular I wondered if we could meet with you but also get some ideas of companies you think we should meet when in the area (i.e. companies who can discuss their CRM journey).

I would be delighted to discuss this with you on the phone?


Anonymous said

at 12:02 pm on Dec 16, 2008

My email to you address is still bouncing back, I have a 1 page document that has more detail.

I will try and phone you tonight but might not work. Tomorrow morning (your time) would work, I will call you then and I can fill in on all the detail. What I am looking for is suggestions of companies that we could visit to understand how they have implemented CRM systems.



Axel said

at 6:03 pm on Sep 25, 2009

My first post about the fundamental shift in sales processes: http://www.customerthink.com/blog/tele_sales_versus_social_sales_first_performance_comparison
It may give an indication how sales will be rearchitected over the next 5 years as most of the processes are 40 - 60 years old. And the behavioral change on the buy side is just not reflected on even todays best sales processes.

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